Monday, April 21, 2014

Melaleuca (Commonly known as Tea Tree Oil)

Uses of Young Living Melaleuca Alternifolia Essential Oil

Melaleuca Alternifolia (Mel A) is analgesic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, antiviral, decongestant, digestive, expectorant, immune-stimulant, insecticidal, neurotonic, stimulant and tissue regenerative. The leaves of the melalueca tree (or tea tree) have been used for centruies to heal cuts, wounds and skin infections. Mel A has strong immune-building properties and is a must have for your oil collection.

  1. Acne -Apply 1-2 Drops on Location; or try putting about 10 drops in a small spray bottle with distilled water and mist face several times a day.
  2. Skin Allergies – Apply 2-3 drops to the skin.
  3. Hives – Dilute 3-4 drops and apply on location.
  4. Athlete’s Foot – Apply 2-3 drops directly to the feet.
  5. Candida – Apply 3-4 drops diluted with V-6 (or carrier) oil for massage of the area.
  6. Skin Infection – Apply 3-4 drops on location.
  7. Boils – Apply 1-2 drops directly on the boil. Repeat until gone.
  8. Cavities – Dilute and apply 1-2drops to the jaw and gums.
  9. Chicken Pox – Diffuse 8-10 drops and apply oil all over the body twice a day. Amount of oil varies on body size. Can make a rub with coconut oil and Mel A to help the Mel A go further.
  10. Cold Sores/Herpes Simplex – Apply 1-2 drops directly on location.
  11. Colds – Diffuse into the air. Apply 1-2 drops in the palms of hands and inhale cupped over nose and mouth. Apply 1-2 drops over the throat, temples, forehead, back of neck, sinus area, below the nose, chest or vita flex points on feet.
  12. Cough- Apply 1-2 drops in the palms of hands and inhale cupped over nose and mouth. Apply 2-3 drops over throat and chest.
  13. Flu – Apply 3-4 drops on the chest, back, neck, sinuses and vita flex points as often as necessary. Mel A is also found in this flu bomb recipe.
  14. Sore Throat – Apply 2-3 drops on throat and diffuse into the air.
  15. Strep Throat – Combine 2-3 drops of Mel A with Thieves and a carrier oil and apply directly to the throat.
  16. Tonsillitis – Dilute 2-3 drops and apply on the throat, vita flex points and lungs.
  17. Dandruff – Apply 3-4 drops on scalp.
  18. Ringworm – Apply 2-3 drops directly on location.
  19. Ear Infection/Earache – Rub 1-2 drops around outside of ears and down the throat.
  20. Wounds – Mel A is great for disinfecting wounds. Dilute 1-2 drops with carrier oil and apply on location.
  21. Gum Disease – Dilute 2-3 drops and apply on throat and gums.
  22. Inflammation – Apply 3-4 drops on location.
  23. Deodorant – Apply 2-3 drops directly on skin or with carrier oil. Can blend with 4 oz of unscented talcum powder and 2 oz. of baking soda.
  24. Jock Itch – Put 2 drops in 1 tsp of V-6 (or carrier) oil and apply to area both morning and night.
  25. Rashes – Apply 2-4 drops with carrier oil on location.
  26. Staph – Apply 2-3 drops on location as well as on the bottoms of feet.
  27. Sunburn – Dilute 3-4 drops with carrier oil and apply directly on location.

The FDA has not evaluated the statements made here. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. I share these experiences with you because of the results I’ve had. The statements I make here are in regards to Young Living essential oils only.

Karen Siegfried Independent Distributor
Watrous, Saskatchewan Canada
Email Phone (306) 946-3647
Member/Sponsor I.D. Number 1737070

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